Dive into our extensive network of partnerships


With heart and purpose, we craft paths to success



Cambridge Institute Advanced Learning System Vienna, Austria

A cornerstone of English language education in the heart of Europe. Esteemed for its commitment to excellence. 

This partnership is dedicated to cultivating an educational environment that not only emphasizes academic achievement but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and global competency. Through this collaboration, students will have access to a rich repository of resources and expertise, enabling them to achieve their full potential and prepare for the challenges of the global marketplace.

By combining their strengths, LK Creativa and the Cambridge Institute are poised to set new standards in educational excellence and innovation, making a significant contribution to the learning community in Vienna and beyond. This partnership underscores both institutions' commitment to empowering learners with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC)

We are thrilled to announce our esteemed membership in the Arab-Austro Chamber of Commerce, a prestigious institution dedicated to fostering robust business and cultural connections between Arab countries and Austria.

The AACC plays a vital role in facilitating dialogue, trade, and investment between diverse economies and cultures. As a member, LK Creativa gains unparalleled access to a vast network of businesses, professionals, and cultural insights. This unique position enables us to enhance our offerings, tailor our services to meet the nuanced needs of our clients, and embark on collaborative ventures that drive success and innovation.

We invite our clients, partners, and the wider community to engage with us as we explore and capitalize on the opportunities this membership offers. Whether you're interested in learning more about our initiatives within the Arab-Austro business community or seeking to collaborate on projects that leverage this unique network, we're here to embark on this exciting journey together.

Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission in Austria (SACMA)

This partnership harnesses LK Creativa's innovative approach to creative education and SACMA's commitment to promoting Saudi culture and supporting the academic pursuits of Saudi students abroad.

Together, we work towards developing programs and initiatives that not only enhance the educational experience for Saudi students in Austria but also facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of Saudi culture within the local community. This collaboration offers a unique platform for cross-cultural dialogue and mutual learning. Initiatives may include cultural workshops, language exchange programs, and collaborative art and design projects, all designed to bridge cultural gaps and build a vibrant community of learners and creators.

Through our joint efforts, LK Creativa and SACMA aim to create an inclusive educational environment that values diversity, encourages creativity, and prepares students to navigate and contribute to a globalized world.

Our partnership approach is centered around innovation, creativity, and mutual growth, and we are always looking for like-minded organizations and individuals who share our vision for excellence. Whether your interest lies in joint educational programs, cultural exchanges, or innovative projects, LK Creativa is committed to fostering productive and meaningful collaborations.

Please email us at info@lkcreativa.com, providing a brief overview of your proposal and how you envision our collaboration.